Friday, December 12, 2008

Shop Game

I went to the store and I bought:

an apple.

Ok.. so the above is the shop game doc that I had hoped to allow people in on as collaborators... I managed to post it to my blog... I dont' know whether I've done the right thing... But it's done now.


I like to neologise. Here's one that while not coining myself, will definitely gain greater useage via me.
Behold Eco-punk!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

RSS goodies

I have two RSS feeder-madoobies. One is the Google Reader, the other is bloglines.

One of my fave sites on there is a comic about a public library. And it's just unbelievably true. And Dewey gets to say all the things we WISH we could say to patrons who are unreasonable.

It's very cathartic like that.

I actually set up my bloglines about 2 years ago, then forgot about it. Finding it again it's filled with all sorts of whatnot. But it's easy to clean out again. I've subscribed to all sorts of great Librarian sites that remind me there's a lot out in the world of library science, out beyond the borders of the daily circ desk.